Internet is no longer an alternative environment for curious or specialized people. It is the most important communication channel between institutions and users, corporations and clients.
SIGESTE allies experience and the most advanced technologies in developing dynamic, intuitive, interactive and efficient websites, responding to the most demanding protocols and patterns needs.
SIGESTE also offers web hosting and domain registration services.
A Mine of Biodiversity

NAME: A Mine of Biodiversity
CLIENT: Centre for Environmental Biology (CBA) – University of Lisbon, sponsored by SOMINCOR – Sociedade Mineira de Neves Corvo S.A. and LUNDIN – Mining Corporation.
DESCRIPTION: "A Mine of Biodiversity" website, bilingual, aims to disclose the natural values of Neves Corvo region, revealing them through texts, photos and illustrations of habitats and most common species. It is an important and innovative tool to catalog species through detailed identifying records, in an attractive organized manner.