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Planning and management

PO 1

Planning is to anticipate. Planning is the most important tool for decision support.
In the planning process it is imperative to deeply analyze the complete conjuncture in the territory and look for the answers to the basic yet very important questions: Where are we? How are we? Where do we wanna go? How do we wanna go?

To answer those questions we have to understand that territory and its organization influence all human activities granting different identities, as well as we have to be aware that only strong and effective measures will allow the sustainability and equity of the resources.

The planning process is long, demanding and extremely complex, but fundamental for territory and its development. SIGESTE, with his large experience and quest for innovative tools, presents itself as your best partner, establishing synergies in the search for better solutions.


Urban equipments

PO 9

The urban equipments catalogue, an important instrument for population’s quality of life and free access to them, works equally as an important qualification and valorization of urban centers, promoting their development in a balanced and sustainable way.

In this scope, social collective equipments assume an extra importance for their social relevance. Health, education, culture and sport are a set of elementary activities for social cohesion and regional development.

In this context, SIGESTE helps to maximize this information potential using friendly online tools and helping in information collection

Historical heritage

PO 5

The main goals of the historical heritage catalogue:

Identify and list all structures, places and monuments with archeological and patrimonial interest

  • Create an instrument to program, control and manage all urban and architectural infrastructure
  • Availability of simple and efficient tools for community us
  • Prepare all information to implement local and regional plans

SIGESTE gives support to the development and construction of the historical heritage catalogue using GPS technology and online tools to keep the information updated.

Territory management

PO 8

Spatial and urban planning must be based in territorial management systems, which can be divided into national, regional and local levels. For each of these levels we can find innumerous plans where the information must be rational and clear, following directions and determinations previously defined.

SIGESTE can render all kind of technical support in development and implementation of this territorial management instruments. 

Tourist routes

PO 2

Tourist routes can be broadly defined as tracks including historical, cultural or environmental points of interest. May develop in accordance with the following principles:

  •  Protection and sustainability of historical heritage, through his knowledge and conscious use
  • Promotion and provision of heritage tourism by strengthening identity, deepening the sense of citizenship and culture, and also by stimulating education for heritage tourism

For SIGESTE, "tourist route” is assumed as an organizing and supply tool of the tourist proposals of the territory, in a quick, interactive and easy to handle way.